
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street... and how to be a little less forgetful perhaps?!

Some days, s{tuff} happens...

{thank you Forrest Gump}

This was one of those days.

Generally, my plan is to always set up my cupcakes at the venue of the event they are for. I know that my clients appreciate it greatly but, if I'm being completely honest, it's mostly because I'm a wee bit of a control freak {or "detail oriented" as my mom so lovingly refers to it ;)}! Please note: this is in no way intended to be a slight against anyone's abilities to put some cupcakes on a stand. It's just a thing I have... its incurable. Trust me, I've tried.

Anyways, on the morning of Landon's birthday party I had a commitment that I just couldn't get out of and had to drop everything off beforehand. Of course it wasn't until I arrived that I realized my error. I hadn't taken any pictures of the cupcakes or the cake. Not.One.Single.Picture.

For a blog lovin', picture sharing kinda girl like me that is just about as close to the end of the world as it is gets.

Luckily Landon's lovely mom, Elaine, was kind enough to send me a couple of snaps she took and all was not lost. Thank you for saving the day Elaine!!

I have to say that I LOVE the cake on top of the stand and cupcakes below. It is the best of both worlds!

Aren't they cute?!

Note to self... pictures are important in this business!

One more week until Spring Break!! Hopefully my brain comes back...


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